Terms and conditions

1, Terms of Use
2, Melton Ska Fest Festival Website Terms and Conditions of Use
3, Melton Ska Fest Website Advertising Terms and Conditions

4, General Melton Ska Fest Terms and Conditions

5, Behaviour During The Event

6, Changes, Law and Jurisdiction

1, Terms of Use

Welcome to Melton Ska Fest (the “Website”) is owned and operated by The Melton Mowbray Town Estate. We are a registered charity in England and Wales with charity registration number 222142. Our registered office is at: 2, Park Lane, Melton Mowbray, LE13 )PT and our VAT number is 115672967. Our postal address is: The Melton Mowbray Town Estate, 2 Park Lane, Melton Mowbray, LE13 0PT. You can contact us by email at: [email protected] .

These are the Website terms and conditions (the “Conditions”), which apply to the use of the Website by end users. Our Privacy Policy – see Privacy Policy - Melton Mowbray Town Estate : Melton Mowbray Town Estate – and any other policies, rules or guidelines that may be applicable to particular offers or features of the Website are also incorporated into these Conditions. By visiting or using the Website, you expressly agree to these Conditions, as updated from time to time.

If there is anything that you do not understand please feel free to email any enquiry to us at: [email protected]

2. Festival Website Terms and Conditions of Use


By accessing and continuing to use the Festival Website, you acknowledge your understanding of and agreement to these Festival Website Terms and Conditions in full. If you do not agree to these Festival Website Terms and Conditions, you should discontinue your use of the Festival Website immediately.


The information on the Festival Website is provided with the best intentions and goodwill. Every effort will be made to ensure that the contents of the Festival Website are accurate. However, your use of the Festival Website shall be entirely at your own risk and no responsibility or liability will be accepted for inaccuracies of any kind, or for any loss, damage or other consequence arising from your use of information provided on the Festival Website or from your use of the Festival Website itself.


Events, dates, times and venues published on the Festival Website may be subject to short notice change or cancellation. We will endeavour to update the Festival Website with details of any changes/cancellations known to us as soon as possible. However, no liability for any loss, claim, expense or distress will be accepted should we fail to update the Festival Website with information relating to any event changes, cancellations or similar consequence.


The Festival Website contains links to other Websites. We are not responsible for the content of external Websites. The inclusion of any link to an external Website should not be taken as endorsement of any kind. Should you decide to visit an external Website from any link included on the Festival Website, you do so at your own discretion and entirely at your own risk. We cannot guarantee that links included on the Festival Website will work all the time and we have no control over the availability of external Websites for which links are provided.

The Festival Website is intended to be an entirely inoffensive, family friendly Website and we will never knowingly link to an external Website which, in our reasonable judgement, falls outside this family friendly aim. However, should you consider that any external Website listed is unsuitable, please do not hesitate to contact us and the link(s) in question will be reviewed for their suitability and continued inclusion on the Festival Website. Please note that our decision on whether to keep or remove the link(s) will be final.


The Festival Website may contain advertising for products, services and events provided by individuals, companies or organisations offering sponsorship or other support to the Melton Ska Fest and/or Organiser. Please note that we are unable to vet any such products for sale or services offered and cannot vouch for any events outside the Melton Ska Fest programme that may be advertised. As such, no responsibility or liability will be accepted for any goods, services or events outside the Melton Ska Fest that are advertised on the Festival Website. The inclusion of advertisements should not be taken as endorsement by us of any kind. All advertisements placed on the Festival Website are subject to our Festival Website Advertising Terms and Conditions.


Should you decide to contact us by using any of the baldockfestival.org domain email addresses, your email address, name and any contact details you provide will be used only for the purpose for which they are provided and will be seen initially only by the festival organisers. We will not pass on the details you provide to any third party without your consent. Please note that should you agree to have your details passed on to a third party, the security of your details shall be subject to that third party”s privacy policies (where defined). We cannot, therefore, accept any responsibility for the use of your details by any such third party where you have given us your permission to forward your details to that third party. Please see our full privacy policy: Privacy Policy - Melton Mowbray Town Estate : Melton Mowbray Town EstateIf you have any questions relating to our privacy policy, please contact the organisers by email at: [email protected]


All material on the Festival Website is Copyright © 2025 Melton Ska Fest All Rights Reserved unless stated otherwise.


We cannot guarantee that the Festival Website will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Festival Website or the server(s) hosting it are free of viruses or other harmful components. No liability or responsibility will therefore be accepted for any damage, loss or other consequence you may suffer as a result, for example, of service interruption, errors or defects, or from any virus infections / harmful components encountered.

3. Festival Website Advertising Terms and Conditions

3.1. You are responsible for providing the complete advertisement in the format you require or have negotiated with us.

3.2. Unless related to your sponsorship of a particular Melton Ska Fest Event, or agreed specifically by us, the location of your advertisement cannot be guaranteed and will be subject to change without prior notice.

3.3. Advertisements on the Festival Website’s Home Page will generally be reserved for sponsors of the Melton Ska Fest Event or those providing other services to the Organiser for the purpose of arranging the Melton Ska Fest. Please contact us if you would be interested in offering sponsorship.

3.4. We can offer no guarantee that the Festival Website will be available at all times.

3.5. Advertisements will normally remain on the Festival Website until the end of the Melton Ska Fest for which they were applied but may remain for longer, dependent on maintenance of the Festival Website.

3.6. We will endeavour to link to your Website where available (subject to the suitability aims outlined in the Festival Website Terms and Conditions of Use).

3.7. We will only include advertisements for individuals, companies or organisations who offer products, services or events deemed suitable by us (in line with the suitability aims outlined in the Festival Website Terms and Conditions of Use).

3.8. All advertisements are placed at our discretion and may be removed for any reason at any time.

3.9. Advertisements may be edited for content, length and/or physical dimensions.

3.10. Advertisements provided to us as images (e.g. jpg, gif) must be a maximum of 60 KiloBytes.

3.11. Advertisements provided to us as words may have a length no greater than 50 words unless otherwise agreed. We reserve the right to edit these advertisements if we consider it necessary to do so.

3.12. When your advertisement is posted on the Festival Website, you will be contacted to confirm its posting and allow you to inform us of any errors/omissions or similar.

4. General Melton Ska Fest Terms and Conditions

4.1 In so far as the law permits, the Melton Ska Fest Committee shall accept no liability for any loss, claim, expense or distress, howsoever arising, in respect of (but not limited to) event changes or cancellations, publicity, or for personal injury to or death of any person attending an event advertised as part of the Melton Ska Fest. Further, no liability shall be accepted for loss or damage to the property of any such person.

4.2 Festival Printed Publicity may contain advertising for products, services and events provided by individuals, companies or organisations. Please note that we are unable to vet any such products for sale or services offered and cannot vouch for any events outside the Melton Ska Fest programme that may be advertised. As such, no responsibility or liability will be accepted for any goods, services or events outside the Melton Ska Fest that are advertised in Festival Printed Publicity. The inclusion of advertisements should not be taken as endorsement by us of any kind.

4.3 All competitions are subject to the Melton Ska Fest Standard Competition Rules.


5. Anti Racism Policy 

5.1 Melton Ska Fest is a family event which welcomes people of all backgrounds. Any guests attending the festival who are caught using racist or bigoted language will immediately be asked to leave the festival. No refund of their ticket purchase will be paid by the organisers.

5.2 The Organisers of Melton Ska Fest take a zero tolerance view to any guests who use racist or derogatory language towards others based either on race, ethnicity or religious beliefs. 

5.3 The organisers of the Melton Ska Fest are a non-political organisation and do not represent or endorse any far right political ideologies of any groups or individuals.

Aggressive Behaviour During the Festival

5.4 The Organisers of Melton Ska Fest take a zero tolerance view towards any guests who are verbally or physically aggressive towards other guests, our staff or any of our suppliers associated with the Melton Ska Fest. Any guests who behave in an aggressive way, including verbal and physical threats, will immediately be asked to leave the festival. No refund of their ticket purchase will be paid by the organisers.

6. Changes, Law and Jurisdiction

6.1. We reserve the right to alter these Terms and Conditions at any time and you are advised to check for any updates since your last visit. To assist you in determining if any changes have been made, the date of publication of these Terms and Conditions shall be clearly displayed near the heading of this page.

6.2. These Terms and Conditions and any matters arising shall be subject to the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

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Copyright 2025. Melton Mowbray Town Estate. All Rights Reserved.